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Life is a journey, enjoy the Ride

Life is a Journey, Enjoy The Ride


Meetings and Events

The safety of our membership is our primary concern, and we have modified our gatherings and interactions for Summer of 2020 to provide for adequate social distancing. 

July 18 - Kappa Fiero Car Show

July 26 - Mini Hines Cruise and Ice Cream

General Meetings:

We normally meet the 3rd Monday of every month at 7, but this is temporarily postponed because of Covid.  Check out our Social Distanced events above and join us then instead!


Join The Club

The purpose of the Michigan Fiero Club is to promote interest and knowledge of the Pontiac Fiero automobile.  The Fiero was only produced for five years and with a relatively moderate amount being built (370,168)

 We meet once a month, and will also try to have activities that showcase a car that we are all proud to own. It is also our intent to interact socially and to build a lasting friendship among Fiero owners and enthusiasts.

The Club is open to everyone who is interested in the Fiero and ownership is not mandatory!

President's Corner

July 2020

What a year so far.. 2020 marks the first year that the MIchigan Fiero Club has had to cancel general meetings, and tone down our events.  Its our hope that you will join us in July for our "Socially Distanced" ice cream run, and car show with the Kappa Crew. 

If you have spent the last few months thinking about that engine swap, or working on one, we wanted to share this series of videos by "Lost But Not Forgotten."  using Fiero Rog engine mounts.


3800 Swap info


Thinking about swapping a 3800 but don't know how to weld? No problem.  Between Fiero Rog, Rodney Dickman, and West Coast Fiero, you can purchase all the brackets and mounts you need. 

Take a look at the video on the left, then visit the links below for everything 3800!

Fiero Rog Mounts

Custom AC Hoses (or repair your stock ones)

Rodney Dickman - Mounts

West Coast Fiero - brackets

3800 to Fiero Wire Harness

Fantastic Pennocks Thread with part numbers and details

Are Fieros an investment?

  Take a look at the value of that Investment Fiero!


  Click here for the latest values.


Limited production run.

Installation and walkthrough video above.


New Part Spotlight

Reproduction Fastback Tail Lights

Keith Goodyear has made genuine GM Reproduction Tail lights.  Each set is $450 plus shipping.  

Keith doesn't have a website, so call or email to get your set!

* Some of our members purchased these and think they are fantastic, so we wanted to share them with you.

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